All hirers will be asked to abide by the following terms and conditions and are required to sign them before any hire commences. They are really just common sense and are there to ensure you and the bikes are safe and secure so that you can relax and enjoy your ride:
The hirer will be held financially liable in full for any loss or damage to all the equipment hired and is fully aware of these terms and conditions.
The hirer agrees to ensure that all bikes are always locked to a fixed object when unattended. Even when locked it is the hirers responsibility to protect the welfare of the bike and not leave unattended for extended periods of time. The use of bikes on sandy beaches is not permitted.
The hirer warrants and undertakes that he will not operate the bike or permit the bike to be operated whilst unfit through drink or drugs or with blood alcohol concentration above the limit prescribed for the time being by road traffic legislation.
The hirer agrees to pay on demand all fines and court costs including administrative fees for violations of law and all other legal violations assessed against the bike and hirer during the hire period.
As the hirer, you understand that any cycling activity involves a certain element of risk. We are obliged to point out that these activities are dangerous and can result in death and or injury. You are advised that any person using bikespokes equipment does so entirely at their own risk and by signing this declaration all members of your party accept the risks involved and are responsible for their own actions and or involvement. Bikespokes does not accept any liability for personal injury, loss or damage to property beyond its legal obligation.
It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the bicycle is in proper working order before the hire takes place; this includes brakes, steering, tyres, drivetrain including pedals and any extras fitted. If any problems are noticed then this should be reported immediately where the problem will be rectified or another bicycle will be issued. All equipment must be used in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.
Helmets are available for every hire and we insist that everyone wears a helmet. By signing the hire agreement form, you and everyone in your group assume full responsibility for wearing helmets and confirm that you have received a verbal safety briefing at commencement of hire.
Everyone must declare that they are in good health, that their eyesight is up to a good standard, and that they are not suffering from any injury, medical condition or disability which is likely to adversely affect the normal control of the bicycle or their ability to participate.